The Closest Friend

“…there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Pr 18:24

Remember the old phrase, “Blood is thicker than water”?  The implication is that our strongest bonds in this life exist between those that come from the same natural family as we do.  For many of us, our experience doesn’t agree with that statement.  For those of us who are Christians, we shouldn’t be surprised.

The Lord warned us that one of the results of following Him would be that our foes would turn out to be individuals in our own households.  In fact, He said plainly that He came not to bring peace but a sword (Mt 10:34-36).  From the beginning, the Scripture reveals this to be the case.  If you remember, the first child ever born turned out to be a murderer and killed his own brother.  Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.  Why the animosity?  Because his deeds were righteous and theirs were evil just as was the case with Abel and Cain (1 Jn 3:12).

We see then that human beings are flawed because of sin.  Even growing up your entire life with someone and sharing the same mother and father will not guarantee that you will have a great or even good relationship with that person.  The Lord, however, is able to fix the broken human machine, and in Him, we find friends that are far closer to us than many of our  relatives.  Relationships with blood kin have been destroyed because of our walk with Christ, but the Lord has promised to restore such losses a hundredfold in this life (Mk 10:28-30).

Don’t you find this to be the case, Christian?  Don’t you have fellow believers that love you more deeply than unbelieving family members ever did?  Thank God for such friends for they are certainly a gift from Him!  They can love us this way because He put love in their hearts.  Ultimately, we understand that our main text above declares the Lord Jesus.  As the old hymn says, “No one ever cared for me like Jesus,  there’s no other friend so kind as He.”  We have been made part of the family of God, related to fellow believers and God Himself, by the blood of the Lamb!  Let us strive to be true friends to one another, following Christ’s example: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (Jn 15:13)  “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (Jn 13:35)


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