Without Complaining

Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
1 Pet 4:9

We’re getting close to wrapping up our study in Conformed to His Image this week as we’ve begun our final chapter on “Loving Others Compassionately.”  Most of the time, I think we know the right thing to do as we interact with others, but sometimes it’s harder than at other times.  Sometimes the individual we’re having to love makes it more difficult for us to be obedient to the Lord’s instruction, but we do our duty anyway.  Our text above highlights, however, that we’re not really being fully obedient to God if we do what He says while grumbling about it in our hearts!

Grumbling and complaining is often times second nature to us, but the reality is that grumbling has no place in the life of the believer.  Ph 2:14 says: “Do all things without complaining…”  Did you catch the “all” in that verse!  In other words, we shouldn’t be complaining about anything!  Why should the Christian never complain and grumble?  We shouldn’t grumble because we believe God to be omnipotent, that is, we believe Him to be in absolute, sovereign control.  So when we murmur and comlain against anything, we’re actually murmuring against the sovereign God that put that thing in our life!

Ac 15:18 says from eternity, God knew all the works He would do.  He has this entire thing planned out!  No matter how hard or painful any experience is, whether we understand it or not, everything in this universe is working according to God’s plan.  When difficulties come in our lives, Job 1:20-22 is such a great example for us.  It wasn’t wrong for Job to weep and to mourn when His children were killed and his wealth was taken in an instant.  His actions in v. 20 were not sinful according to v. 22.  But in this sinless reaction to these events, one thing you don’t find Job doing is grumbling!  He knew who was in control of his circumstances.  He attributed it all to God (v. 21), thus, instead of complaining, he fell down and worshipped!

The title of our chapter this week is not just “Loving Others” but “Loving Others Compassionately.”  In other words, we must love with a proper heart.  We can’t love as God instructs if we only love outwardly while we complain in our hearts that we’re having to do what love is requiring.  True love, the love revealed by Jesus Christ, is selfless. May we love according to His pattern. “…let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” (1 Jn 3:18)


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