What I Do Have I Give

Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
Acts 3:6

This time of the year is characterized by giving, but as our text above teaches, the Lord’s people should be known as cheerful givers all the time! (2 Cor 9:7) What an example the apostles are for us in this passage regarding the manner in which we ought to give!  As the scene in Acts 3 begins, we see that they didn’t let the affairs of this world distract them from that which was spiritually important. (Ac 3:1) It was the hour of prayer, and so they were headed to the temple to pray.  While they were busy about their Father’s business, a lame man at the temple gate begged them for a charitable donation.  Their pockets were empty, but that didn’t stop them from doing what they could.  They gave what they had!

This text reminds me of the account of the woman who anointed the head of Christ with a very costly ointment in Mk 14.  Some were indignant at such extravagance and criticized her for wasting what might have been sold for a great sum (nearly a year’s wages) and used to aid the poor.  But their criticism was quickly followed by the Lord’s rebuke!  Her motives were pure for she had anointed him out of love for Him and with a view toward his burial.  Jesus summed up her great work by saying, “She has done what she could.” (v. 8)

Children, that’s exactly what we’re called to do!  The Lord expects nothing more AND nothing less.  He would have us do what we can.  Do you feel your efforts to be insignificant in comparison to others?  Remember, one small boy offered his lunch of a few loaves and fishes, and Jesus fed thousands! (Jn 6:9) It’s not the size of the gift or the greatness of the effort, but it’s the heart behind the gift and the greatness of the God who uses it!  The Lord exalted the widow’s tithe of two mites though, by the world’s standard, it was of no value compared to the abundance cast in the treasury by the rich men. (Lk 21:1-4) God accepted her gift while rejecting theirs because she in her poverty “cast in all the living that she had.”  She did what she could!  May we at this and every season be determined to give as we can for the glory of our worthy Lord.


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