And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting…
Romans 1:28
This verse is a fearful one for it describes a people from whom God steps away, leaving them to their own devices. The surrounding verses list some specific sins of which these individuals were guilty, but our verse sets forth the origin of those sins–they simply didn’t want to think about God! Their downward spiral started at that point. They had no appetite for Him. The word “like” in the text means “test” and is at times translated “prove”. In other words, they had zero interest in even getting to the bottom of whether or not the assertions of scripture were true. They just didn’t care! Their attitude was like the wicked in Job 21:14-15 who said to God, “Depart from us, for we do not desire the knowledge of Your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him? And what profit do we have if we pray to Him?”
One definition of the Greek word “like” in our text is “to recognize as genuine after examination”. The point is that our verse includes not only those in open rebellion but also those with a causal approach to God. They have no real interest in digging deeper. Sadly, this definition reveals that some who sit on church benches are among these. They hear the truth but don’t consume it and grow in it. As in 2Ti 3:5, they are those “having a form of godliness but denying its power.” The sin that’s going to condemn men per Joh 3:19 is loving darkness rather than light, and that sin is not always outwardly apparent. Many we would call “decent” people inside and outside church walls are a part of this group. It’s not a matter of committing some terrible crime. It just boils down to living a life devoid of an appetite for God. Remember, the manner of life of those in Lot’s day and in Noah’s day was that they were involved in normal, everyday things (marrying, buying, selling, eating, drinking…) but with no consciousness of God! (Luk 17:26-30)
In contrast to these, if you are among those who like to know Him, who desire Him and seek Him, then a story you’ve probably been reminded of recently should be of great encouragement to you. The account of the wise men in Mat 2 reminds us that God will not abandon such souls. God will continue to lead and instruct us as we seek Him until we find Him. No wonder they rejoiced to see the star in v. 10. The point was that the star never left the wise men until they found the Lord! They were continually guided by God until they reached their destination where they enjoyed the blessing of worshiping Him. (v. 11) So keep knocking, keep asking, keep seeking. Our God rewards those who diligently do so! (Heb 11:6)