Servant Leadership

“looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”
Heb 12:2

I like the phrase “servant leadership.”  It is a concept that is clearly foreign to many in our day where leaders have repeatedly been exposed as self-serving individuals.  In most cases, it seems the people underneath them are nothing more than stepping stones in their quest for greater wealth and power.  I wonder if any of them realize that with their place of authority comes stricter judgment from the Lord! (Jm 3:1) Their attitude is in direct contradiction to the leadership qualities displayed and taught by our Lord.

In Lk 22:27, He told His disciples, “I am among you as the One who serves.”  As He and His disciples gathered in the upper room in Jn 13, supper being ended and the cross drawing near, Jesus called His disciples together and did the last thing anyone expected.  The eternal Creator and Lord of all washed their feet!  Peter was so shocked by this act of lowliness that at first he refused!  As Jesus explained what He had just done, He acknowledged that He was their superior: “You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.” (v. 13) But in this act, He was showing these men how to lead the people of God, to be the apostles upon which He would build His church.  Jesus was leading by example. “I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” (v. 15) And, did you notice that he washed their feet BEFORE Judas had departed?!!  That’s right, his servant leadership extended even to the unfaithful.  What an example He is to us!

As I began to think on this concept of “servant leadership,” I realized I was only taking into account our service toward others, but the reality is that none of us can lead by serving others unless we are first serving the Lord.  Our main text above highlights this point.  The term “author” in Heb 12:2 literally means “chief leader.”  The same Greek word is translated “captain” in Heb 2:10, declaring Christ to be the chief Leader of our salvation.  In other words, just as we call Him the Lord of lords, we could appropriately refer to Him as the Leader of leaders!  We can only lead properly if we follow His lead.  Rom 9:21 reveals God to be the potter while we are simply clay.  The clay can’t determine to be of any benefit to anyone.  The potter must form it into something like a pitcher or a bowl in order for it to be of use to him and others.  Our heavenly Potter alone has the power to make an earthen vessel unto honor, that is one useful for the Master (2 Ti 2:21).  Only in submitting to His leadership in all things will we be able to effectively lead and serve the souls around us.


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