For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18
Several years ago, I injured my shoulder throwing the football. The injury has bothered me off and on ever since. What’s the problem? Well, I’ve never really known. The sad truth is that I’m a typical hard-headed guy. Rather than go to the doctor, we prefer to tough it out, right men? Well, it’s been seven or eight years, and when I reinjured this spot a few weeks ago for the umpteenth time, I finally made a doctors’ appointment. Now, not a word, ladies…
Anyway, I went to the doctor today. X-rays were taken, and my arm was maneuvered into various positions. Finally, the doctor decided on a course of action. He injected me with steroids at two different spots. Now, I know some of you must be grimacing. This experience was my first with steroid shots, and for those of you that don’t know, let me warn you–it’ll make your toes curl! Of course, I was mentally unprepared because the doctor forgot to mention the level of pain he was about to inflict. What I know now, hours later, is that he also forgot to mention that the shot was mild compared to what I’d feel later in the day!
I want to learn from every experience, so as I began to talk to God about it, He brought the verse above to my mind. I was surprised to find as I read ahead in Conformed to His Image this evening that this verse was the first one that Ken quoted. Isn’t the Lord amazing in the way He reinforces His point! What God was telling me is that often things have to get worse before they get better. Trials are necessary not so that we’ll suffer, but so we’ll enjoy the benefit that comes as a result of the trial once we’re on the other side of it. Jesus endured the cross for what reason? Because of the joy waiting on the other side! (Heb 12:2) You see, the way steroid shots work is that they hurt when applied and cause even more pain not long thereafter, but don’t give up. In a couple of days, if the doctor is treating the right spot, you’ll feel better than you’ve felt in a long time!
Now, unlike the doctor, the Lord always knows just the right spot! Trials are tailor-made for God’s children. He knows right where to apply the pressure and just how hot to make the fire. And, rest assured. It won’t be a single degree hotter than necessary. He knows both what is required and what our limit is. Maybe you’re in that place right now, Christian. Maybe the fire is hot, and it seems it’s only getting hotter. God promises that it’s only because He has something far better in store! Job encouraged his heart in his suffering by remembering, “When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10) As Ken says in our current reading, “God allows pain in our lives not because he loves us less but because he loves us more than we would wish.” Don’t doubt it for a second. Our heavenly Father knows best! “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” (Heb 12:11)