“…our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant…”
2 Corinthians 3:5,6
The above verse is far too often overlooked when it comes to evangelism. God is in control. Evangelism is proper and effective only when we depend entirely on Him for the ability to do it.
We’ve considered a related passage before, but it’s worth bringing it up again in light of the above verse. The Lord Jesus told Simon Peter in Lk 5:10, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” Did you notice the wording here? It’s not the same as in Mt 4:19 and Mk 1:17 where Jesus says He will make them “fishers of men.” Simply being a fisherman does not guarantee you’ll successfully fill your boat with fish. But, Jesus says to Peter, “you will catch men.” Only the Lord can say that because the power of effectual evangelism is in His hands. And did Christ keep His word? I’d say 3,000 souls being brought into the kingdom after Peter preached in Ac 2 would constitute a pretty good catch!
Lk 5 reveals how true evangelism works, and why we know that feelings of inadequecy stem from a focus upon our own energy and ability instead of God’s. Peter had fished all night in his own strength. He was a seasoned fisherman, after all, but like I said, being a fisherman and catching fish don’t always go together. He had labored long and hard with nothing to show for it. Such is the case when we lean to our own understanding in evangelism.
Finally, after Jesus had preached the next morning, He instructed Peter to move the boat into deep water and let down his nets. Peter thought the effort to be vain (see where our understanding will get us), but reluctantly agreed, saying, “nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” He didn’t do it how he thought best. He did it the way Christ said was best! We know the results. The nets filled to the point of breaking! We need this kind of evangelism today. Not tactics mirrored after the ways the world finds success, but faithful preaching of the word of God according the Lord’s direction. Jesus not only told Peter where to put his net, but He also commanded the fish to be in that very spot! Only God can prepare the heart of a person for the Gospel message and then direct his minister to intersect that soul at just the right time with just the right word!
Pr 3: 5,6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.