So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Rom 10:17
So, we asked the question a couple of weeks ago, “Do all men have faith?” Some will respond, “Why do we care?” Is that question important? I believe it is first of all because the Bible addresses that issue. The apostle makes it a point in 2 Th 3:2 to say, “not all have faith.” If he, inspired by the Spirit of God, felt it to be important to stress that detail, then we certainly should find it important as well!
The additional question in my mind is, “What practical application is there in my life as a Christian if I understand that all men do not have faith?” First of all, it removes a great load off of me when it comes to sharing the gospel. It is not my job to move the emotions of men and to pressure them into a decision, as some would have as think. There is so much going on in the name of Christ these days that is a departure from the calling of the church. Our job is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by sowing the seed of the gospel. We plant and water, but God gives the increase! (1 Cor 3:6) The prayer of the early church concerning their responsibility was “give us boldness to speak Your word”. (Ac 4:29) They weren’t asking for God to add members to their congregation or for creative ways to engage people in their gatherings. Tey simply wanted the courage to speak the word of God boldly and faithfully. If we realize that the Source of men believing is God and not how entertaining or moving our presentation of the gospel is (though I hesitate to even call it “the gospel” in some instances), we are set at liberty to focus on our calling–preach the word, be instant in season and out of season! (2 Tim 4:2)
Secondly, it prompts me to glorify God alone for salvation. I didn’t generate the faith I possess nor did I cause it to work in someone else. Saving faith is a gift from God. (Eph 2:8) I’m so tired of man taking credit for what God alone can do! I just saw an advertisement in a local Starbucks the other day for an upcoming evangelistic event. One of the advertised speakers was said to have seen “more than 10 million saved in 6 years of ministry”. First of all, I doubt the reality of the number because Jesus said that the work of the Spirit is a mysterious one that He compared to the wind: “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.” (Jn 3:8) He also tells us in the parable of the sower that the seed often falls on two types of soil that never brings forth fruit, i.e. these individuals show a lot of promise to start with but they are never truly saved! (Mt 13:3-9, 18-23) So, how could anyone really claim to see 10 million saved based on the initial response of people?!! But the second issue I have with such a statement is that it suggests this man is responsible for a work for which God alone should get the glory! When Paul writes to the Romans regarding their belief in and obedience to God, he doesn’t pat them on the back, giving them credit for their deliverance. “But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.” (Rom 6:17) May we follow this example and always be sure to give the glory to our heavenly Deliverer, “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith“. (Heb 12:2)